miércoles, 7 de septiembre de 2011

Personal care and health

The cigarette, cigar, cigarette or cigarette butt is one of the most popular formats in snuff consumption.
A cigarette is a dried plant ( populary snuff ) chopped covered by a thin sheet into a cylinder, usually accompanied by a filter.

The effects of Smoking

The effects of snuff are more that are not proven and not positive. Each year there are four million deaths from diseases related to the consumption of snuff.

List of the most common effects:

- less oxygen to the organs
- blood vessels are damaged
- paralyzes the respiratory cilia
- ulcers
- eye damage
- makes you grow old
- fertility problems
- impotence
- adversely affects the health of children
- asthenia
- anorexia
- dysphonia.

cigarrete smoking is bad for your helath, make an effort and leave it for the sake crippled and around you.

By Ignacio Torres

martes, 6 de septiembre de 2011

Why I should make exercises?

Increased physical activity can give you a longer life and better health.
Exercise helps prevent heart disease and many other problems.
Exercise builds strength, gives you more energy and can help reduce stress.
It is also a good way to curb appetite and burn calories.

You should exercise 3 or more times a week for 20 minutes or more, and work up a minimun of 30 minutes, 4 to 6 times a week.
This can include several short bouts of activity lasting a day. Exercise during your lunch break or while doing errands may be a way to include physical activity if you have little free time in your schedule. Exercising with a friend or family member can help make it fun and have a partner to encourage you to continue doing so.

By Javier Calleja.
Benefits of sugar to the body

One of its principal functions of the sugar is to provide energy that our body needs for the functioning of different organs. Remember that sugar is necessary and if consumed in moderation is healthy.
Sugar contains vitamins B1, B2, A. and sucrose, glucose (dextrose), fructose (levulose) and antioxidant.

Reasons to take sugar

• Sugar belong to the group of carbohydrates, the main source of energy for the body.
• Good anti-oxidant.
• The caloric intake of sugar is low: 4 calories per gram (9 calories provide fat).
• Promotes blood circulation, is to say prevents blood clots.
• The consumption of sugar helps to control and maintain weight.
• Its pleasant flavor favors the consumption of other nutrients necessary for health. metabolism.
• reduces the levels of cholesterol and / or triglycerides.
• Good for your heart, because it increases blood flow.
• Increase the hypotensive effect of beta-blockers without changing heart rate.

By Victoria Barreto